Motion Synthesis for Virtual Characters

Seminar an der Universität des Saarlandes, Fachrichtung Informatik, LSF 116960

Requirements for successful participation in the seminar:

  • Confirmed pre-registration to the seminar by email from the seminar leader (until October 19, 2018 latest), and then registration to the seminar in HISPOS (until 1.5.2019 latest).
  • Regular attendance of all sessions of the seminar according to the list of attendees which is kept at each seminar date (starting from the first session of the seminar on 10.4.2019). Exceptional leave of absence (e.g. in case of certified illness) has to be  immediately clarified with the seminar leader in beforehand.  
  • Successful seminar talk on the assigned topic. The presentation can be up to 45 minutes. The presentation is followed by a discussion on the presented topic with the presenter (defense) which can be up to 45 minutes. This discussion with the audience is particularly driven by two dedicated opponents. Presentation language is English or German (depending on audience); the presentation slides have to be in English.
  • Active and meaningful contributions to all discussions of the seminar. That includes the opposition task mentioned above. Opponents are supposed to carefully prepare for their in-depth discussion with the respective presenter about the presented methods and applications.
  • Summary Text on the Presentation. This summary text should provide the main messages of the presentation, discuss the pros and cons of the presented work and should end with a conclusion summarizing the discussion and how the presenter sees the value of these approaches regarding future work. If possible a brief section discussing relevant related work should be included. All in all the text should have 3 to 5 pages, however, title pages or table of contents do not count.
    There are no real requirements regarding text formatting. Simple styles like for example article in LaTeX are acceptable as well as styles of any major conference (e.g. SIGGRAPH) or journals. It is even an advantage of the participant if the text is written in paper style for the respective conference or journal, however, this is not a requirement but rather a chance for getting a bonus where the evalutation criterion for getting the bonus is whether the supervisor of the participant sees a chance to actually polish the text for submission to some conference or journal. If a participant wants to take this chance texts up to 10 pages are acceptable.
    Deadline for providing the summary text is 31.7. EOB.
    One round of feedback with suppervisor is allowed. Feedback should be given within 3 business days. However, the deadline is reduce to one week after feedback was given (if this would be after 31.7. EOB this deadlien is not over ruled).

Weighted evaluation of participation (in %): Presentation and defense 50, Discussion and opposition 25, Summary Text 25.