
Beside my work at DFKI I am giving lectures at the htw saar, the University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrücken and supervise theses at Saarland University.

HTW lectures

Business Process Management

Introduction to basic modeling concepts and business process management in general. The concepts are transferred and applied using Software AG's ARIS Architect & ARIS Designer. The course is held every Wintersemester.

Digital Transformation

Introduction to the foundations of digital transformation, its application and risks. Students work independently on a selected topic, document and present their results. The course is held every Wintersemester.

E-Business and new Media

Introduction to basic HTML5 concepts and content management systems. During the course the students learn how to implement a webpage using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, the use of Wikis, CMS, and search engines and its application for enterprises is practiced. The course is held every Sommersemester.

Office Management

Introduction to Microsoft Excel. During the course the students learn how to handle and present data in Excel. After the course, students will be able to calculate and format numbers, create charts, sort and merge data, and to use the macro recorder. The course is held during Sommersemester.