DOMe-IoT 2012 Workshop

Call for Participation

We accept two types of submissions to DOMe-IoT 2012:

Research contributions which must not exceed 4 pages in ACM SIGCHI Archival format and are expected to present novel concepts and new insights;

Position statement may be up to 2 pages in ACM SIGCHI Archival format and should outline individual interest and experience on IoT.

Accepted workshop papers will be included in the ACM digital library and the supplemental proceedings of Ubicomp 2012. Furthermore, we will consider contacting a publisher for a special journal issue or book series volume considering the quality and novelty of the position papers.

Format and Submission Guidelines

Detailed format instructions including style templates for MS Word and LaTex can be found at the Ubicomp 2012 Submission Templates website.

Submissions to DOMe-IoT 2012 have to be made via the easychair conference system. You can use this direct link or the 'submission' box on the upper right corner of the website to access the submission system.


Email Organizers

dome-iot-workshop [at]


DOMe-IoT 2012 is held at Pittsburgh, PA, USA on September 8th, 2012 in conjunction with Ubicomp 2012.

Ubicomp 2012 conference