[Rock-dev] Setting up a robot controller

gprizzi at tin.it gprizzi at tin.it
Sun Jan 30 16:24:07 CET 2011

 Dear Sirs,

 I am attempting my first robot controller using Roby

 I red the instructions on the web pages and I did the following:
 I create a new directory and then did

  roby init -p orocos

 Then I edited the file myDirectory/config/init.rb that has the following contents:

require 'roby/schedulers/basic'
Roby.scheduler = Roby::Schedulers::Basic.new

Roby.app.using 'orocos'
Roby.app.use_deployments_from "Rosetta"

Where Rosetta is a deployment previously created using orogen.

After this I created in the directory myDirectory/tasks/compositions/  the file rosetta.rb
and I put in it the following lines:

using_task_library 'rosetta'
composition 'myController' do
  add rosetta::task1, :as => 't1'
  add rosetta::task2, :as => 't2'

after this I tried the command 

/root/rock/robyRosetta/scripts/orocos/system_model -o png

and I get the following errors:

root at UBU1004:~/rock/robyRosetta# /root/rock/robyRosetta/scripts/orocos/system_model -o png

= undefined method `use_deployments_from' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
= Backtrace
| /usr/src/rock/tools/orocos.rb/lib/orocos/roby/app.rb:357:in `use_deployments_from',
|   ./config/init.rb:35,
|   /root/rock/robyRosetta/scripts/orocos/system_model:3
root at UBU1004:~/rock/robyRosetta# 

Probably I have not understood in which way I can use Roby to set up my model.

Thanks for your support.

Gianpaolo Rizzi
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