[Rock-dev] Eigen::VectorX in ruby replaces std::vector<double>

Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux at dfki.de
Thu Nov 8 14:25:53 CET 2012

On 11/08/2012 01:53 PM, Felix Rehrmann wrote:
> Am 08.11.2012 13:11, schrieb Sylvain Joyeux:
>> On 11/08/2012 11:13 AM, Felix Rehrmann wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I used a std::vector<double> as intermediate type for Eigen::VectorXd.
>> This is a very bad idea. You should use
> Yes, by today it seems a bad idea. But back when doing it, it was the 
> most obvious idea.
Forgot to remote the line ... I really did not mean to send such a harsh 
comment, sorry !
>> Yes, by NOT telling the type system that std::vector<double> is 
>> equivalent to Eigen::VectorXd. Create a specific type wrappers::VectorXd.
> Would a typedef already help, or more like a vector in a struct?
Vector in a struct. Typedefs are treated as in C++, i.e. they do not 
define new types.

Sylvain Joyeux (Dr.Ing.)
Senior Researcher

Space & Security Robotics
Underwater Robotics

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