[Rock-dev] TaskInspector with multiple remote hosts

Allan E. Conquest allan.conquest at dfki.de
Tue May 7 18:00:39 CEST 2013


I have a multi robot scenario where I want to show one TaskInspector 
widget for each robot. The code is like this:

Orocos::CORBA.name_service.ip = ''

# First TaskInspector
host = <some_ip>
task_ins = Vizkit.default_loader.TaskInspector
name_service = Orocos::Async::CORBA::NameService.new(host)

# Other TaskInspectors analogous
# ...

As far as I am concerned, each robot (using Roby/Syskit) starts its own 
name server.
rock-display sets the Orocos::CORBA.name_service.ip according to the 
--host argument. Submitting a robot host with running Roby works.
My script sets it to localhost by default (see above). Or should I set 
it at all?

The add_name_service command does not seem to work the same way. The 
TaskInspector states that CORBA:<some_ip> is reachable but several Tasks 
of that host are unreachable. I did restart omniorb and swipe its directory.

Please feed me with some best practice advice.



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