[Rock-dev] Issue using own type with Gui Interface

Pierre Letier pierre.letier at spaceapplications.com
Tue Dec 2 14:50:37 CET 2014


I started again a previous code that was working some months ago and now, I have an error when using it. Here is the description:

- I have created a own type (struct) in my Library
- I create a ruby script to launch the components, with a GUI interface that has a button that will instantiate this type ('command = Types::falcon::Haptic3DForceCommand.new')
- The GUI interface then shuts down with the following warning: Orocos[WARN]:   space_apps/orogen/falcon/scripts/falcon.rb:25:in `block (2 levels) in <main>': undefined method `falcon' for Types:Module

Do you have any idea why I have now this issue and what I could do to resolve it ?

Thank you, 


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