[Rock-dev] Proposal for a Rock website redesign

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 16:40:29 CET 2015

It's great that you start tackling this ... however ...

> 1. we planned to move the generated APIs to gh-pages
We very quicly *discussed* it. The technical aspects have been
discussed "in passing", which means that no two people have the same
idea of how it could be done and what should happen.

This is your time, but before you start coding, may I maybe suggest to
actually lay down the pieces of the puzzle for everyone to see ?
Because that's a fairly big puzzle.

> 2. we planned to automate the package page generation
You mean, move it to client-side ?

> Besides the page works for any github organization, the only thing missing
> right now is autoproj to write the "information and more" to a json file
> that can be uploaded. Changing the parser of the page is a matter of
> minutes.

Great ! First step would be to match


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