[Rock-dev] Location for rock-specific osg plugin?

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 16:05:27 CEST 2015

> So you say we should patch gui/robot_model each time we have another
> binary format to look for such replacements?
robot_model uses vizkit3d and is therefore OSG-specific. Having an
OSG-specific optimization in it makes sense.

I think this is not the way to go, the model (urdf) should be either
> optimized (link to osgb, bobj, or wharever) or not.
In this case, it makes the whatever model specific to your visualization
library (OSG). It makes a lot more sense to point to an industry standard
format in the SDF/URDF *and* optimizing your display plugins to better use
the capabilities of your visualization framework, ideally doing it
automatically (that's something we have on the pipe: feed a SDF and
generate the relevant osgb optimized files)

> You have a point with the optimization though, which this plugin does on
> load time (each time).
Yes, and it takes ages. And you can't turn it off.

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