Twelfth International Workshop CIA 2008 on


Cooperative Information Agents

September 10 - 12, 2008

CzechTechnical University, Prague, Czech Republic

In cooperation with ACM SIGART, SIGWEB, SIGKDD


The CIA 2008 workshop issues a best paper award and a system innovation award to acknowledge and honor highly innovative research and development, respectively, in the area of intelligent and cooperative information agents for the Internet and Web. The system award is sponsored by Whitestein Technologies, the best paper award is sponsored by the workshop series. Both awards will be given at the end of the workshop. (Past winners of the CIA workshop awards).

CIA 2008 Best Paper Award

Nominations: Only submissions to the CIA 2008 workshop are eligible for nomination and will be proposed and carefully evaluated by the program committee, the organisational board, and the sponsor of the award. The prize money is 300 euros.

CIA 2008 System Innovation Award

Nominations: There are two ways of nomination for this award possible. First, regular paper submissions to the workshop can be nominated by the organisational board. Second, any system can be explicitly requested by anyone for being considered for nomination by submission of a request for nomination to the workshop co-chairs. This request should contain a brief (max. 4 pages, 10pt Times) description of the system, in terms of its

  • core functionalities,
  • main techniques used to implement them,
  • preliminary evaluation results (or publicly available reference to),
  • summary of the innovative system features in comparison to other existing systems.

After confidential voting by the PC, chairs, and sponsors of the award the top ranked nominees will be requested to demonstrate a running prototype of their system at the workshop to all participants for a final public voting. The prize money of the system award is 500 euros.

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