Location Awareness for Mixed and Dual Reality
Lisbon IUI 2012
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  February 14, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal  
  Workshop Organizers:  
  Tim Schwartz Tim Schwartz:

Tim Schwartz is a researcher at DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) and is associated to the Cluster of Excellence for Multimodal Computing and Interaction at the Saarland University. He is currently working on his PhD thesis on the topic "Always Best Positioned Systems", which deals with indoor positioning methods and their applications. Tim was co-organizer and moderator of the MIAA workshop at IUI 2010.

  Gerrit Kahl Gerrit Kahl:

Gerrit Kahl is a researcher at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Saarbrücken. He is also working at the Innovative Retail Laboratory, a living lab representing an instrumented shopping environment. He is currently working on his PhD thesis on the topic "Applying the Dual Reality Paradigm to Instrumented Shopping Environments". In this context, he is studying the visualization of simulator in- and outputs in a virtual model.

  Petteri Nurmi Petteri Nurmi:

Petteri Nurmi is a researcher at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT. He has studied computer science at the University of Helsinki, where he obtained a M.Sc. in 2006 and a Ph.D. in 2009. Currently, he is the co-leader of the Adaptive Computing research group at HIIT. His research interests focus on intelligent mobile systems, including personalization, context recognition and novel interaction techniques. He has published over 40 scientific articles and served as a reviewer and program committee member for several conferences and journals. He was the workshop co-chair for Pervasive 2010 and he is a program committee member for IUI 2011. He has previously participated in the organization of four workshops, most recently the Pervasive User Modeling and Personalization workshop held at the UMAP 2010 conference.

  Teemu Pulkkinen Teemu Pulkkinen:

Teemu Pulkkinen is a project researcher at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT. He has studied computer science at the University of Helsinki, where he received his M.Sc. in 2010. His research has focused on indoor positioning systems, as well as the design of a cohesive and easy-to-use framework for ubiquitous positioning.

  Eyal Dim Eyal Dim:

Eyal Dim is a researcher at the University of Haifa. He is currently working on his PhD thesis on the topic "Exploring the Potential of Social Signal Processing Technology for Supporting Leisure Activities: the Museum Group Visit Experience", which deals with indoor sensors and processing methods for detection and analysis of group social context.

  Sally Applin Sally Applin:

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