Location Awareness for Mixed and Dual Reality
Lisbon IUI 2012
  Home Topics CfP Program Organizers LAMDa2011 LAMDa2013  
  February 14, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal  

  Workshop Program:  
  The workshop is planned as full-day and sessions will be centered around specific research questions. Each session will start with short presentations of position papers (up to 20 min each+ 5 min discussion) and the presentations will be followed by an interactive discussion phase that attempts to identify open issues and potential future directions for the corresponding research question. During each session, one of the workshop organizers will act as a moderator for the discussions and another will record the outcomes of the discussion. The discussion notes will be reviewed at the end of the workshop and the final, revised notes will be made publicly available on the workshop web page.  
  Workshop Schedule:  
09:00-09:15 Workshop Opening and Welcome
09:15-09:40 PolySocial Reality: Prospects for Extending User Capabilities Beyond Mixed, Dual and Blended Reality
09:40-10:05 Ubiquitous personalization of a smartphone, used as a universal controller
10:05-10:30 Event Broadcasting Service - An Event-based Communication Infrastructure
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:25 Assessment of Broader Attention-focus Perspective  
11:50-12:15 Mixed Environment Adaptive System for Point of Interest Awareness  
12:15-12:40 A Typology of Augmented Reality Applications Based on Their Tracking Requirements
12:40-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Overall Discussion
LAMDa'12 Workshop Proceedings
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