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First Summer School on Artificial Intelligence organized by Inria and DFKI

Inria and Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) organize their first Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will be held on July 20-23, 2021 at the Inria Saclay - Île-de-France centre. This event is organized within the framework of the national partnership established between both institutions, which intends to support common research actions on AI.

First Inria-DFKI european Summer School on AI (IDAI 2021) at the Inria Saclay - Île-de-France centre, July 20-23, 2021
In January 2020, on the first anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Aachen, Inria and the DFKI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to conduct joint work in artificial intelligence.

As part of this partnership, the two institutes inaugurate this year a series of yearly Summer Schools. This first edition will tackle Trustworthy AI and AI for Medicine.

It will offer a perfect environment that will allow participants to have the opportunity to be in close contact with renowned experts. IDAI 2021 will also be practically oriented and will allow interaction with industry practitioners and innovators. Participants will be offered to the opportunity to present their work to each other in dedicated poster/demo sessions. Whilst two parallel tracks will be organized, there will be plenty of opportunities to exchange between the participants.

IDAI Summer School was designed for PhD students in all areas of AI (including machine learning, knowledge representation and reasoning, search and optimisation, planning and scheduling, multi-agent systems, natural language processing, robotics, computer vision…) , and other areas. PhD students in other fields, MSc students, postdocs, and researchers in industry are also welcome.

Practical information
•    You will find the list of speakers and other practical information on the school's website.
•    Registration deadline: 19 April 2021
•    Number of places: 50 per theme
•    Co-organised by: Inria, DFKI, Institut DATAIA Paris-Saclay, IRT SystemX
•    Contact the organisers: by mail
•    This event will be organised in compliance with the strictest health regulations.
Discover the first Inria-DFKI projects 


Inria, DFKI, Institut DATAIA Paris-Saclay, IRT SystemX

Press contact:

Heike Leonhard, M.A.
