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IDESSAI 2022 - Second joint Summer School of Inria and DFKI

| Press release | Saarbrücken

The "IDESSAI Inria-DFKI European Summer School on AI 2022" will take place from August 29 - September 2, 2022 on the campus of Saarland University. After European AI young scientists exchanged ideas online in 2021 due to the pandemic, this year they will come together in presence for the first time.

The five-day event is another milestone in the partnership between the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and the French National Institute for Information Technology Inria, following their joint appearance at the French-German Hub at this year's VivaTech technology and startup fair in Paris. The priority of both research institutions is to establish Europe at the forefront of global research and innovation in Artificial Intelligence and therefore to build a community of young researchers who both understand the science of AI in all its different facets and consider its impact on humans and our society.

IDESSAI 2022 is a prime example of networking and exchange between scientists from France, Germany and other countries. About 100 young PhD students will come together to present their research and discuss it with experts.

The kick-off event will take place on August 29, 2022, 1:30 - 2:15 p.m. at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Campus E1 5, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany. Speakers of the greetings are:

Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith, Professor for Translation-Oriented Language Technology Saarland University and Head of Research Department Multilinguality and Language Technology DFKI

Sébastien Girard, Consul General of the French Republic in Saarbrücken

Dr. Hanno Thewes, Head of Division for Fundamental Issues, European Law and European Policy

Sebastian Rost, Deputy Head of Division Steering Committees and Scientific Projects at the Franco-German University of Applied Sciences

Emmanuel Vincent, Senior Research Scientist & Head of Science, Inria Nancy - Grand Est

Dr. Christian Müller, DFKI Principal Researcher & Research Fellow

Prof. Dr. Holger Hermanns, Speaker CPEC Center for Perspicuous Computing

In terms of content, the Summer Academy is organized according to two main topics: "Trusted AI" and "Sustainable AI". These two areas represent the key ethical and normative challenges facing the development of human-centered AI.

Track A: Trusted AI
The development of Deep Learning has transformed AI from a niche science into a socially relevant "mega-technology." At the same time, it raises a number of issues, such as the lack of internal representation of meaning (interpretability), sensitivity to changes in input (robustness), lack of transferability to unseen use cases (generalizability), potential discrimination and bias (fairness), and finally, Big Data hunger itself (data efficiency). Recently, a new overall approach to solving these problems has been pushed under the term "Trusted AI" or "Trustworthy AI". The Trusted AI track will cover the latest advances in this area.

Track B: Sustainable AI
Digital Europe and Green Deal - thinking together about the two megatrends of digitalization and sustainability is critical. AI offers tremendous opportunities to help our society interact sustainably with nature. At the same time, the environmental impact of AI itself cannot be ignored. The Sustainable AI track focuses on measuring these environmental impacts and developing resource-efficient AI technologies. It covers all levels of AI technology development, from AI algorithms and programming frameworks to hardware and compilation.

IDESSAI 2022 is sponsored by the Franco-German University - Université Franco-Allemande, the AiDA Doctoral Academy, and the CPEC - Center for Perspicuous Computing. The Max Planck Institute for Informatics and the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems provided their facilities.

About DFKI and Inria
On January 22, 2020, the first anniversary of the Aachen Treaty, the French National Institute for Information Technology, Inria, and DFKI signed a Memorandum of Understanding. In it, the two scientific institutions agreed to significantly strengthen their collaboration in the field of AI, and to structure and formalize their long-standing scientific cooperation. Inria and DFKI are collaborating on a joint strategic research and innovation agenda in the areas of AI for Industry 4.0, AI infrastructures, health, agriculture, public administration, transport, smart living and cybersecurity.

At the core of the agreement is also a strong joint commitment to the European AI initiative CLAIRE (Confederation of Labs for AI Research in Europe) to more closely connect European AI researchers and jointly advance European research for AI that benefits humans while respecting core European values. Concrete actions include the implementation of joint research and innovation projects, some of which build on existing projects of both organizations, as well as new topics that are defined and elaborated in joint workshops. Currently, Inria and DFKI are working on five joint projects.

Further information


Dr. Anselm Blocher

Operational DFKI Coordinator Franco-German AI Cooperation, DFKI

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