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Beyond ChatGPT: How can Europe become a leader in generative AI?

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This question will be answered by an event hosted by the European research network HumanE-AI-Net on May 25, 2023, at the European Parliament in Brussels. We invite you to participate via livestream.

At the event, AI experts, policy makers, and other stakeholders will explore and discuss what needs to be done to ensure that European economies and societies can benefit from the development and deployment of AI technologies such as Large Language Models (LLMs). In doing so, it presents key concepts, demystifies concerns, and discusses what role the proposed European AI law might play or whether there is a need for a moratorium or similar restrictions on research and innovation in key AI areas. In doing so, it critically analyzes how the AI community in Europe is succeeding in improving European competitiveness and addressing the key challenges of future AI systems:

  • learning complex world models,
  • building effective and fully explainable machine learning systems,
  • adapting AI systems to dynamic, open real-world environments,
  • achieving deep understanding of people and complex social contexts,
  • enabling self-reflection in AI systems.

More information about the event:

  • Date: Thursday, May 25, 2023
  • Time: from 14:00 - 16:00
  • Program & Website:
  • Registration: The event will be livestreamed. You can register here. We will send the streaming link in the morning. Please keep an eye on your spam folder. Please also keep an eye on your spam folder.

HumanE-AI-Net is a consortium of leading European universities, AI institutes and companies dedicated to empowering people through the scientific and technological development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in line with European ethical, social and cultural values. The project consortium of 53 institutions from 20 European countries is committed to ensuring that AI is made by we the people, European researchers and citizens, who care about the future of AI in Europe and its use for the benefit of all Europeans.



Press contact:

Communications & Media DFKI Kaiserslautern | Darmstadt