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Project | MARY

Modular Architecture for Research on speech sYnthesis

Modular Architecture for Research on speech sYnthesis

MARY is a Text-to-Speech Synthesis System for German, English and Tibetan. It was originally developed as a collaborative project of DFKI's language technology lab and the Institute of Phonetics at Saarland University and is now being maintained by DFKI.

MARY is designed to be highly modular, with a special focus on transparency and accessibility of intermediate processing steps. This makes it a suitable tool for Research and Development.


All publications
  1. Convergence of Pitch Accents in a Shadowing Task

    Iona Gessinger; Antje Schweitzer; Bistra Andreeva; Eran Raveh; Bernd Möbius; Ingmar Steiner

    In: Katarzyna Klessa; Jolanta Bachan; Agnieszka Wagner; Maciej Karpiński; Daniel Śledziński (Hrsg.). 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody. International Conference on Speech Prosody (Speech Prosody-2018), June 13-16, Poznan, Poland, Pages 225-229, ISCA, 6/2018.