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Project | MultiRep


MultiRep - Multi-channel description language and system optimization

Increasingly people expect that information and service opportunities are available through all channels and modalities: websites, call centers, social networking, smartphone apps, chat, etc. However, the current state of the art does not allow to develop modular unified cross-channel solutions (multi-channel applications). Existing solutions are rarely part of a unified multi-channel strategy. In addition, development, test and maintenance is time consuming and costly.

The MultiRep project will facilitate the integrated and modular development of multichannel applications through the exploration of novel architectures, algorithms, and methods of testing. Hereby, the main focus of the research is the definition of a innovative abstract markup language. Additionally, MultiRep will develop automatic testing procedures focussing on unit and integrations tests as well as testing user interaction.


VoxGen GmbH

Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research