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Web-based Intelligence for common-interest fiscal Networked Services

Web-based Intelligence for common-interest fiscal Networked Services

Intelligence Service to public and private Financial Institutions.
It integrates Business Intelligence products and Knowledge Discovery tools to produce new financial knowledge on companies from information gathered through interoperable information services.
The issues being addressed include the need for Public Financial Institutions such as Finance Ministries to acquire Business Intelligence to assist in the definition of financial policy, and the need of Private Financial Institutions to acquire data, following the adoption of the recent Basel Capital Accord (Basel-II).

The Language Technology Lab of DFKI is responsible in the project for all issues related to text processing, annotation and mining.


European Business Register(Co-ordinator): Belgium,METAWARE S.p.A.: Italy, DFKI GmbH: Germany, MPSnet S.p.A.: Italy, InfoCamere: Italy, Verband der Vereine Creditreform: Germany, SOGEI: Italy, Italian Ministry of Finances: Italy.


EU - European Union

EU - European Union