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Project | SC_EFFEKT


Elektrische Fahrrad-Flotten Ergänzt durch Technologie

EFFEKT works on solutions for intelligent e-bike fleets. It is a Software Campus project and collaboration between DFKI and Bosch Software Innovations. EFFEKT aims to create a flexible bike fleet of instrumented bikes that will be part of connected and multimodal smart cities.

The approach involves sensor-equipped bicycles and learning techniques that will derive knowledge from collected data and use it to enhance the cycling experience for the new users.

For this purpose EFFEKT builds its own bicycle fleet. Six cargo e-bikes will be available for the students and employees of the Saarland University, free of charge.

GPS, Gyro Accelerometer, Ambient light, Thermometer, Weather sensor, Distance sensor, Camera, Touch and pressure sensor are part of the on board unit that will determine the context of every trip and cyclist.

Project Objectives

  • Fleet management system
  • Multimodal transportation system on campus
  • Automatic community based cycling route generation
  • Real time personalized navigation support for bicycles


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research