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Project | ModEst_RD

Walker-module for posture-recognition and fall-prevention

Walker-module for posture-recognition and fall-prevention


© TOPRO GmbH und DFKI GmbH/Christian Mandel

ModESt Sensormodul-Skizze zur Haltungserkennung

Walkers play an important role in the everyday life of many people and the correct use must be properly learned and practiced continuously. The aim of the project is to prevent latent poor postures and risk of falls. For this purpose, distance sensors are integrated with software-based algorithms to recognize poor postures for the identification of possible incorrect use and linked with modules to provide low-threshold feedback for posture corrections. Poor postures can thus be detected in real time and corrected by subtle sensory feedback signals. This is implemented in a novel electronic box, which is integrated directly into the frame of the walker.


  • Budelmann Elektronik GmbH, Münster (Konsortialführer)
  • TOPRO GmbH, Fürstenfeldbruck
  • Gesundheit Nord gGmbH, Bremen


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


KMU innovativ

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research