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Poster: Interscopic multi-touch surfaces: Using bimanual interaction for intuitive manipulation of spatial data

Johannes Schöning; F. Steinicke; Antonio Krüger; K. Hinrichs
In: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces-Volume 00. IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI-2009), located at In conjunction with IEEE Virtual Reality 2009, March 14-15, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, Pages 127-128, IEEE, 2009.


In recent years visualization of and interaction with 3D data have become more and more popular and widespread due to the require- ments of numerous application areas. Two-dimensional desktop systems are often limited in cases where natural and intuitive in- terfaces are desired. Sophisticated 3D user interfaces, as they are provided by virtual reality (VR) systems consisting of stereoscopic projection and tracked input devices, are rarely adopted by ordi- nary users or even by experts. Since most applications dealing with 3D data still use traditional 2D GUIs, current user interface designs lack adequate efficiency. Multi-touch interaction has re- ceived considerable attention in the last few years, in particular for non-immersive, natural 2D interaction. Interactive multi-touch sur- faces even support three degrees of freedom in terms of 2D position on the surface and varying levels of pressure. Since multi-touch in- terfaces represent a good trade-off between intuitive, constrained interaction on a touch surface providing tangible feedback, and un- restricted natural interaction without any instrumentation, they have the potential to form the fundaments of the next generation 2D and 3D user interfaces. Indeed, stereoscopic display of 3D data pro- vides an additional depth cue, but until now challenges and limita- tions for multi-touch interaction in this context have not been con- sidered. In this paper we present new multi-touch paradigms that combine traditional 2D interaction performed in monoscopic mode with 3D interaction and stereoscopic projection, which we refer to as interscopic multi-touch surfaces (iMUTS).