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Context-Sensitive Display Environments

Florian Daiber; Antonio Krüger; Johannes Schöning; Jörg Müller
In: Antonio Krüger; Tsvi Kuflik (Hrsg.). Ubiquitous Display Environments. Pages 31-51, Cognitive Technologies, ISBN 978-3-642-27663-7, Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg, 2012.


In this chapter we will discuss the relatively new research area of context-sensitive Displays. The cheap availability of display spaces in combination with sensor technologies which allows to make inferences about the context of the display will enable a multitude of novel applications. However the foundations of these sensor-display systems are not well understood. Therefore we will discuss in this chapter the basic setup and a research methodology which has helped us to systematically approach the problems we faced during the design of several context-sensitive display environments. For this purpose we will present three research systems: the iDisplay-system, a public information system which uses extensively context-filtered information to inform students in University buildings, the MobiDic-system an context-sensitive advertisement management system for digital outdoor signage and our research on the Münster Multitouch Wall, which demonstrates novel ways of interacting with large displays in public environments.


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