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Dynamisches, verteiltes Infield-Planungssystem für die Getreideernte

Max Reinecke; Christian Schäperkötter; Hans-Peter Grothaus; Stefan Stiene; Ronny Hartanto; Stephan Scheuren
In: Proceedings of the 70th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering LAND TECHNIK AgEng 2012. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering (AgEng-2012), Mit Erfahrung und Innovationskraft zu mehr Effizienz, November 6-7, Karlsruhe, Germany, Pages 127-132, ISBN 978-3-18-092173-0 , VDI, 11/2012.


In agriculture, one has always been working on organizing the processes more efficiently, cost-effectively, and resource-efficiently. Increasing the machine’s efficiency alone provides only limited improvement to the overall productivity. Further improvements can be achieved when the various machines plan their processes on the field together and cooperate with one another. This paper describes a dynamic distributed infield planning system for the grain harvest. In particular, it focuses on the underlying target system and the dynamic route planning.
