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Immersive Virtual Reality Games for Persuasion

Andreas Luxenburger; Daniel Sonntag
In: Alexander Meschtscherjakov; Boris De Ruyter; Verena Fuchsberger; Martin Murer; Manfred Tscheligi (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Persuasive Technology 2016: Adjunct. International Conference on Persuasive Technology (PERSUASIVE-16), April 4-7, Salzburg, Austria, Pages 110-111, 2016.


Virtual reality (VR) can create stunning and memorable experiences and has been used in many different areas such as entertainment and simulation. Immersion states a key factor in this context. Fusing immersive virtual environments with persuasive technology (PT) in a game setting paves the way for creating interactive platforms aiming at user-oriented behavioral change. This work outlines important aspects for designing an immersive VR game platform for persuasion. Our future research aims at investigating how and to which extent recent advances in intelligent user interfaces (IUIs) can benefit immersion and persuasion. In particular, this includes how interactions with a persuasive VR game platform are influenced by contextual or individual conditions and how associated designs can be adapted to target audiences in specific, like medical or educational contexts.

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