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Comparing the Benefit of Different Dependency Parsers for Textual Entailment Using Syntactic Constraints Only

Alexander Volokh; Günter Neumann
In: K. Erk; C. Strapparava (Hrsg.). SemEval-2 Evaluation Exercises on Semantic Evaluation PETE. International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), located at ACL 2010, July 11-16, Uppsala, Sweden, 2010.


We compare several state of the art dependency parsers with our own parser based on a linear classification technique. Our primary goal is therefore to use syntactic information only, in order to keep the comparison of the parsers as fair as possible. We demonstrate, that despite the inferior result using the standard evaluation metrics for parsers like UAS or LAS on standard test data, our system achieves comparable results when used in an application, such as the SemEval- 2 #12 evaluation exercise PETE. Our submission achieved the 4th position out of 19 participating systems. However, since it only uses a linear classifier it works 17-20 times faster than other state of the parsers, as for instance MaltParser or Stanford Parser.
