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MDA Organization Platform: A Holistic Approach for the Management of Model-Driven Architectures

Andreas Emrich; Dima Panfilenko; Sebastian Weber
In: Arne J. Berre; Andrey Sadovykh; Federico M. Facca; Dumitru Roman (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Modeling, Design, and Analysis for the Service Cloud. European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA-10), Formerly the ECMDA-FA series of conference, June 15-18, Paris, France, CEA LIST, 2010.


Nowadays, there is no integrated system that allows for complete carrying out of the model driven development based on MDA. In addition, transforming CIM to PIM is regarded as manual and not further investigated. Hence, we propose a holistic approach that facilitates conceptual development of an MDA management platform under change considerations and traceability through CIM, PIM and PSM models and code generation. Semantic meta descriptions of these models along with facilities for impact analysis and cost estimations allow for keeping track of changes. Moreover, plug-inbased code generation is further core functionality of the system. Finally, through semantic role associations the responsible personnel can be contacted in case of need for the manual changes on the system. Overall, the platform allows for the execution of defined change processes with both automatic and manual transformation tasks. It regards not only technical processes but also focuses on the integration of relevant personnel.


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