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User-Centred Tool Support: Developing User Interfaces for Persons with Special Needs

Jochen Frey; Thomas Gard; Jan Alexandersson; Christian Husodo Schulz
In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Tool-Support for Mobile and Pervasive Application Development. International Workshop on Tool-Support for Mobile and Pervasive Application Development (TSMPAD-2010), located at MobileHCI 2010, Lisboa, Portugal, TSMPAD, 2010.


Developing user interfaces is always a challenging task, particularly if the users are elderly or people with special needs. In this paper we summarize the experiences we made during the i2home project regarding the design and development of accessible user interfaces. On the basis of the industry standard URC a middleware platform has been implemented and the concept of pluggable user interfaces has been introduced. We give an overview of this approach and point to existing tools and future directions that can support developers and end users of smart home applications.