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Porting Elements of the Austrian Baroque Corpus onto the Linguistic Linked Open Data Format

Ulrike Czeitschner; Thierry Declerck; Claudia Resch
In: Petya Osenova; Kiril Simov; Georgi Georgiev; Preslav Nakov (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the joint NLP&LOD and SWAIE Workshops. Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Linked Open Data (NLP&LOD-13), located at RANLP 13, September 12, Hissar, Bulgaria, Pages 12-16, ISBN 978-954-452-025-0, RANLP, Sofia, 9/2013.


We describe work on porting linguistic and semantic annotation applied to the Austrian Baroque Corpus (ABaC:us) to a format sup-porting its publication in the Linked Open Data Framework. This work includes several aspects, like a derived lexicon of old forms used in the texts and their mapping to modern German lemmas, the description of morpho-syntactic features and the building of domain-specific controlled vocabularies for covering the semantic aspects of this historical corpus. As a central and recurrent topic in the texts is death and dying, a first step in our work was geared towards the establishment of a death-related taxonomy. In order to provide for lin-guistic information to their textual content, labels of the taxonomy are pointing to linked data in the field of language resources.
