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Lessons Learned from the Development of the ROLE PLE Framework

Sten Govaerts; Katrien Verbert; Evgeny Bogdanov; Erik Isaksson; Daniel Dahrendorf; Carsten Ullrich; Maren Scheffel; Sarah Léon Rojas; Denis Gillet
In: Sylvana Kroop; Alexander Mikroyannidis; Martin Wolpers (Hrsg.). Responsive Open Learning Environments. Pages 185-217, Springer International Publishing, 2015.


Within the ROLE European research project, an interoperability framework has been developed to support self-regulated learning and to enable learners and teachers to create personal learning environments (PLEs). This framework enables learners to assemble tools, services and resources together to create their own custom learning environment. This chapter discusses the overall architecture, the specific components of this architecture and the platforms in which we have integrated the ROLE framework. Additionally, we share the lessons learned from the design and development. Furthermore, we discuss our experience with the ROLE development infrastructure and our collaboration within the ROLE development team and with several open-source projects.