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Eine neue Ära der MANV-Ausbildung? InSitu - Realitätsnahes Üben in virtuellen Umgebungen

D. Lorenz; W. Armbruster; Christian Vogelgesang; Hilko Hoffmann; A. Pattar; D. Schmidt; T. Volk; D. Kubulus
In: Der Anaesthesist, Vol. 65, No. 9, Pages 703-709, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 7/2016.


Background Chief emergency physicians are regarded as an important element in the care of the injured and sick following mass casualty accidents. Their education is very theoretical; practical content in contrast often falls short. Limitations are usually the very high costs of realistic (large-scale) exercises, poor reproducibility of the scenarios, and poor corresponding results. Objectives To substantially improve the educational level because of the complexity of mass casualty accidents, modified training concepts are required that teach the not only the theoretical but above all the practical skills considerably more intensively than at present. Modern training concepts should make it possible for the learner to realistically simulate decision processes. This article examines how interactive virtual environments are applicable for the education of emergency personnel and how they could be designed.

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