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A Shadowing Experiment with Natural and Synthetic Stimuli

Iona Gessinger; Eran Raveh; Johannah O'Mahony; Ingmar Steiner; Bernd Möbius
In: Phonetik & Phonologie 12. Phonetik & Phonologie (P&P), October 12-14, München, Germany, 10/2016.


Inter-speaker accommodation is a phenomenon observed in human communication. Phonetic convergence is one way for a speaker to accommodate to an interlocutor. It is defined as an increase in segmental and suprasegmen- tal similarities between two speakers [1]. Phonetic con- vergence has been found for human-to-human interaction in both spontaneous, conversational speech [1, 2] and non-conversational speech occurring in experimental set- tings such as the shadowing task [3, 4]. Previous studies on convergence in human-to-human interaction looked at suprasegmental features such as f0 range [5] and speak- ing rate [6], as well as segmental features such as spectral properties of vowels [3] and voice onset time [7].