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Event Detection and Semantic Storytelling: Generating a Travelogue from a large Collection of Personal Letters.

Georg Rehm; Julian Moreno Schneider; Peter Bourgonje; Ankit Srivastava; Jan Nehring; Armin Berger; Luca König; Sören Räuchle; Jens Gerth
In: Tommaso Caselli; Ben Miller; Tommaso Caselli; Ben Miller; Marieke van Erp; Piek Vossen; Martha Palmer; Eduard Hovy; Teruko Mitamura (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Events and Stories in the News Workshop. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2017), August 4, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Pages 42-51, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017.


We present an approach at identifying a specific class of events, movement action events (MAEs), in ca. 2,800 personal let- ters exchanged by the German architect Erich Mendelsohn and his wife, Luise. A backend system uses these and other se- mantic analysis results as input for an au- thoring environment that curators can use to produce new pieces of content. The hu- man expert will receive recommendations from the system with the goal of putting together a travelogue, i. e., a description of the trips and journeys undertaken by the couple. We describe the components and also apply the system to news data.


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