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  1. Thomas Vögele; Tim Tiedemann; Timo Lange; Philipp Meyer; Matthis Trost; Martin Wittmaier; Sebastian Wolff; Yuhan Jin; Yi-Ling Liu; Phillip Grote; Adrian Auer; Ajish Babu

    Sorting Bulky Waste with the Help of AI - the SmartRecycling Project

    In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Circular Economy and Urban Mining. International Symposium on Circular Economy and Urban Mining (SUM-2024), May 15-17, Capri, Italy, ISBN 9788862650403, EUROWASTE, Padova, Italy, 5/2024.

  2. Adrian Lubitz.; Matias Valdenegro-Toro.; Frank Kirchner.

    The VVAD-LRS3 Dataset for Visual Voice Activity Detection

    In: Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - HUCAPP. International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP-2023), February 19-21, Lissabon, Portugal, Pages 39-46, ISBN 978-989-758-634-7, SciTePress, 2023.

  3. CoBaIR: A Python Library for Context-Based Intention Recognition in Human-Robot-Interaction

    In: 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN-2023), August 28-31, Busan, Korea, Republic of, IEEE, 2023.

  4. A Bayesian Approach to Context-based Recognition of Human Intention for Context-Adaptive Robot Assistance in Space Missions

    In: Proceedings of SpaceCHI 2.0 - Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration - A Workshop at CHI 2022. SpaceCHI 2.0: Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration (SpaceCHI 2.0-2022), located at ACM CHI 2022, May 1 -1, New Orleans, LA, USA, ACM, 5/2022.