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Touching Floating Objects in Projection-based Virtual Reality Environments

Dimitar Valkov; Frank Steinicke; Gerd Bruder; Klaus Hinrichs; Johannes Schöning; Florian Daiber; Antonio Krüger
In: Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Virtual Reality Conference. Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC-2010), bestehend aus EuroVR - EGVE - VEC - 7. GI Workshop "Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität", September 27 - October 1, Fellbach, Germany, Pages 17-24, Eurographics, 2010.


Touch-sensitive screens enable natural interaction without any instrumentation and support tangible feedback on the touch surface. In particular multi-touch interaction has proven its usability for 2D tasks, but the challenges to exploit these technologies in virtual reality (VR) setups have rarely been studied. In this paper we address the challenge to allow users to interact with stereoscopically displayed virtual environments when the input is constrained to a 2D touch surface. During interaction with a large-scale touch display a user changes between three different states: (1) beyond the arm-reach distance from the surface, (2) at arm-reach distance and (3) interaction. We have analyzed the user’s ability to discriminate stereoscopic display parallaxes while she moves through these states, i. e., if objects can be imperceptibly shifted onto the interactive surface and become accessible for natural touch interaction. Our results show that the detection thresholds for such manipulations are related to both user motion and stereoscopic parallax, and that users have problems to discriminate whether they touched an object or not, when tangible feedback is expected.

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