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Digital Curation Technologies.

Georg Rehm; Felix Sasaki
In: Georg Rehm; Felix Sasaki (Hrsg.). roceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2016). Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT-16), print, 2016.


Digital Curation Technologies (“Digitale Kuratierungstechnologien”, DKT) is a project that involves four Berlin-based SMEs (ART+COM AG, Condat AG, 3pc GmbH and Kreuzwerker GmbH) and DFKI GmbH (Language Technology Lab). The two-year action started in Sept. 2015 and aims at supporting digital curation processes, carried out by knowledge workers, through robust, precise and modular language and knowledge technologies. We combine these into workflows for the efficient processing, creation and dissemination of digital content. DFKI contributes language and knowledge technology components, including MT, and develops them further. Together with our partners, DFKI develops a platform for digital curation technologies, which offers services such as, e.g., translation, search, analytics, re-combination and summarisation. DKT is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Wachstumskern-Potenzial (no. 03WKP45). Details:
