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Displaying results 81 to 90 of 101.
  1. Dieter Hutter; Werner Stephan; Paolo Traverso; Markus Ullmann

    Proceedings of Current Trends in Applied Formal Methods, FM-Trends 98

    Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1641, Boppard, Germany, 1999.

  2. Annotated Reasoning

    In: B. Gramlich; H. Kirchner; F. Pfenning (Hrsg.). Proceedings CADE-16 Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction. International Conference on …

  3. Workshop on Automation of Proofs by Mathematical Induction

    Workshop-proceedings, 16th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Trento, Italy, 1999.

  4. Georg Rock; Werner Stephan; Andreas Wolpers

    Modular Reasoning about Structured TLA Specifications

    In: R. Berghammer; Y. Lakhnech (Hrsg.). Tool Support for System Specification, Development and Verification. International Workshop Tool Support for …

  5. Georg Rock; Werner Stephan; Andreas Wolpers

    Modeling Dynamic Processes in TLA

    In: Katharina Spies; Bernhard Schätz (Hrsg.). Formale Beschreibungstechniken für verteilte Systeme. GI/ITG-Fachgespräch (FBT-99), München, Germany, …

  6. Georg Rock; Werner Stephan; Andreas Wolpers; Michael Balser; Wolfgang Reif; Stefan Scheer

    Structured Formal Development in VSE II: The Robertino Case Study

    In: Francesca Saglietti; Wolfgang Goerigk (Hrsg.). Proceedings Workshop Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit software-basierter Systeme. Joint German …

  7. Klaus Netter; Tillmann Wegst

    Project Update: DiET - Diagnostic and Evaluation Tools for Natural Language Application

    ELSNews, European Network in Language and Speech, o.A. Vol. 8.2, 1999.

  8. Mark-Jan Nederhof; Eberhard Bertsch

    An Innovative Finite State Concept for Recognition and Parsing of Context-Free Languages

    In: A. Kornai (Hrsg.). Extended Finite State Models of Language. Pages 226-243, Cambridge University Press, Stanford, 1999.

  9. Mark-Jan Nederhof

    Models of Tabulation for TAG Parsing

    In: Proceedings of the 6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL6), July 23-25. Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL), Orlando, Florida, USA, …

  10. Mark-Jan Nederhof

    Efficient Generation of Random Sentences

    In: An Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology. Pages 45-65, Vol. 41, Marcel Dekker Verlag, 1999.