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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 533.
  1. Carsten Binnig; Donald Kossmann; Tim Kraska; Simon Loesing

    How is the weather tomorrow?: towards a benchmark for the cloud

    In: Benoît Dageville; Carsten Binnig (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Testing Database Systems. International Workshop on Testing Database Systems (DBTest-2009), June 29, Providence, RI, USA, ACM, 2009.

  2. Kristian Kersting; Babak Ahmadi; Sriraam Natarajan

    Counting Belief Propagation

    In: Jeff A. Bilmes; Andrew Y. Ng (Hrsg.). UAI 2009, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Conference in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-2009), June 18-21, Montreal, QC, Canada, Pages 277-284, AUAI Press, 2009.

  3. Learning Preferences with Hidden Common Cause Relations

    In: Wray L. Buntine; Marko Grobelnik; Dunja Mladenic; John Shawe-Taylor (Hrsg.). Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, European Conference. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD-2009), September 7-11, Bled, Slovenia, Pages 676-691, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5781, Springer, 2009.

  4. Hannes Schulz; Kristian Kersting; Andreas Karwath

    ILP, the Blind, and the Elephant: Euclidean Embedding of Co-proven Queries

    In: Luc De Raedt (Hrsg.). Inductive Logic Programming, 19th International Conference. International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP-2009), July 2-4, Leuven, Belgium, Pages 209-216, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5989, Springer, 2009.

  5. Saket Joshi; Kristian Kersting; Roni Khardon

    Generalized First Order Decision Diagrams for First Order Markov Decision Processes

    In: Craig Boutilier (Hrsg.). IJCAI 2009, Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2009), July 11-17, Pasadena, California, USA, Pages 1916-1921, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. 2009.

  6. Zhao Xu; Kristian Kersting; Volker Tresp

    Multi-Relational Learning with Gaussian Processes

    In: Craig Boutilier (Hrsg.). IJCAI 2009, Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2009), July 11-17, Pasadena, California, USA, Pages 1309-1314, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. 2009.

  7. Novi Quadrianto; Kristian Kersting; Mark D. Reid; Tibério S. Caetano; Wray L. Buntine

    Kernel Conditional Quantile Estimation via Reduction Revisited

    In: Wei Wang; Hillol Kargupta; Sanjay Ranka; Philip S. Yu; Xindong Wu (Hrsg.). ICDM 2009, The Ninth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-2009), December 6-9, Miami, Florida, USA, Pages 938-943, IEEE Computer Society, 2009.

  8. Christian Thurau; Kristian Kersting; Christian Bauckhage

    Convex Non-negative Matrix Factorization in the Wild

    In: Wei Wang; Hillol Kargupta; Sanjay Ranka; Philip S. Yu; Xindong Wu (Hrsg.). ICDM 2009, The Ninth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-2009), December 6-9, Miami, Flordia, USA, Pages 523-532, IEEE Computer Society, 2009.

  9. Marion Neumann; Kristian Kersting; Zhao Xu; Daniel Schulz

    Stacked Gaussian Process Learning

    In: Wei Wang; Hillol Kargupta; Sanjay Ranka; Philip S. Yu; Xindong Wu (Hrsg.). ICDM 2009, The Ninth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-2009), December 6-9, Miami, Florida, USA, Pages 387-396, IEEE Computer Society, 2009.

  10. Michael Beetz; Oliver Brock; Gordon Cheng; Jan Peters

    09341 Summary - Cognition, Control and Learning for Robot Manipulation in Human Environments

    In: Michael Beetz; Oliver Brock; Gordon Cheng; Jan Peters (Hrsg.). 09341 Abstracts Collection - Cognition, Control and Learning for Robot Manipulation in Human Environments. Cognition, Control and Learning for Robot Manipulation in Human Environments, August 16-21, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, Vol. 09341, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, 2009.