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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 572.
  1. Sorin M. Grigorescu; Saravana K. Natarajan; Dennis Mronga; Axel Gräser

    Robust feature extraction for 3D reconstruction of boundary segmented objects in a robotic Library scenario

    In: 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Pages 4540-4547, IEEE, 2010.

  2. Matthias Sperber; Martin Klinkigt; Koichi Kise; Masakazu Iwamura; Benjamin Adrian; Andreas Dengel

    Position Detection For a Camera Pen Using LLAH and Dot Patterns

    In: Technical Committee on Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding. Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding (PRMU-2010), March 15-16, Chiba, Japan, Pages 501-506, IEICE Techical Report, Vol. IEICE-109, No. no.470 (PRMU), no.471 (HIP), IEICE, 3/2010.

  3. Luc De Raedt; Angelika Kimmig; Bernd Gutmann; Kristian Kersting; Vítor Santos Costa; Hannu Toivonen

    Probabilistic Inductive Querying Using ProbLog

    In: Saso Dzeroski; Bart Goethals; Pance Panov (Hrsg.). Inductive Databases and Constraint-Based Data Mining. Pages 229-262, Springer, 2010.

  4. Kristian Kersting; Mirwaes Wahabzada; Christian Thurau; Christian Bauckhage

    Hierarchical Convex NMF for Clustering Massive Data

    In: Masashi Sugiyama; Qiang Yang (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Machine Learning. Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML-2010), November 8-10, Tokyo, Japan, Pages 253-268, JMLR Proceedings, Vol. 13,, 2010.

  5. Zhao Xu; Kristian Kersting; Thorsten Joachims

    Fast Active Exploration for Link-Based Preference Learning Using Gaussian Processes

    In: José L. Balcázar; Francesco Bonchi; Aristides Gionis; Michèle Sebag (Hrsg.). Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, European Conference. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD-2010), September 20-24, Barcelona, Spain, Pages 499-514, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6323, Springer, 2010.

  6. Tobias Lang; Marc Toussaint; Kristian Kersting

    Exploration in Relational Worlds

    In: José L. Balcázar; Francesco Bonchi; Aristides Gionis; Michèle Sebag (Hrsg.). Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, European Conference. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD-2010), September 20-24, Barcelona, Spain, Pages 178-194, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6322, Springer, 2010.

  7. Novi Quadrianto; Kristian Kersting; Tinne Tuytelaars; Wray L. Buntine

    Beyond 2D-grids: a dependence maximization view on image browsing

    In: James Ze Wang; Nozha Boujemaa; Nuria Oliver Ramirez; Apostol Natsev (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval. ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR-2010), March 29-31, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Pages 339-348, ACM, 2010.

  8. Jens Behley; Kristian Kersting; Dirk Schulz; Volker Steinhage; Armin B. Cremers

    Learning to hash logistic regression for fast 3D scan point classification

    In: 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2010), October 18-22, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China, Pages 5960-5965, IEEE, 2010.

  9. Sriraam Natarajan; Gautam Kunapuli; Kshitij Judah; Prasad Tadepalli; Kristian Kersting; Jude W. Shavlik

    Multi-Agent Inverse Reinforcement Learning

    In: Sorin Draghici; Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar; Vasile Palade; Witold Pedrycz; M. Arif Wani; Xingquan Zhu (Hrsg.). The Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2010), December 12-14, USA, Pages 395-400, IEEE Computer Society, 2010.

  10. Renaud Detry; Emre Baseski; Mila Popovic; Younes Touati; Norbert Krüger; Oliver Kroemer; Jan Peters; Justus H. Piater

    Learning Continuous Grasp Affordances by Sensorimotor Exploration

    In: Olivier Sigaud; Jan Peters (Hrsg.). From Motor Learning to Interaction Learning in Robots. Pages 451-465, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 264, Springer, 2010.