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© SmartFactory-KL / A. Sell

Innovative Factory Systems


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  1. Sibila Marques; João Mariano; Miguel R. Ramos; Filomena Gerardo; Cátia Lage da Cunha; Andrey Girenko; Jan Alexandersson; Bernard Stree; Michele Lamanna; Maurizio Lorenzatto; Louise Pierrel Mikkelsen; Uffe Bundgård-Jørgensen; Sílvia Rêgo; Hein de Vries

    Too old for technology? Stereotype threat and technology use by older adults

    In: Panos Markopoulos (Hrsg.). Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 40, No. 2, Pages 116-120, Taylor & Francis Online, London, UK, 2/2021.

  2. Towards Automatic Pathology Classification for a 24/7ECG-based Telemonitoring Service

    In: Proceedings of the 6th international Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction. International Workshop on Sensor-based …

  3. Johannes Tröger; João Mariano; Sibila Marques; Joana Mendonça; Andrey Girenko; Jan Alexandersson; Bernard Stree; Michele Lamina; Maurizio Lorenzetto; Louise Pierrel Mikkelsen; Uffe Bundgård-Jørgensen

    Technology Experience Café–Enabling Technology-Driven Social Innovation for an Ageing Society

    In: Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Aging, Design and User Experience: Third International Conference, ITAP 2017, Proceedings. …

  4. Jan Alexandersson; Jochen Britz; Andrey Girenko; Maurice Rekrut; Jürgen Vogelgesang; Steven Vogelgesang; Johan Plomp; Salla Muuraiskangas; Teppo Veijonen; Timo Urhemaa; Carlos Agell

    PRAF – ein mobiles Selbstmangement-System zur Prävention kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen einschließlich Vorhofflimmern

    In: VDE e.V. (Hrsg.). Zu­kunft Le­bens­räu­me Gesundheit, Selbstständigkeit und Komfort im demografischen Wandel Konzepte und Technologien für die …

  5. Jan Alexandersson; Maria Aretoulaki; Nick Campbell; Michael Gardner; Andrey Girenko; Dietrich Klakow; Dimitris Koryzis; Volha Petukhova; Marcus Specht; Dimitris Spiliotopoulos; Alexander Stricker; Niels Taatgen

    Metalogue: A Multiperspective Multimodal Dialogue System with Metacognitive Abilities for Highly Adaptive and Flexible Dialogue Management

    In: IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Environments. Pages 365-369, IEEE (The …

  6. Steve Renals; Jean Carletta; Keith Edwards; Hervé Bourlard; Phil Garner; Andrei Popescu-Belis; Dietrich Klakow; Andrey Girenko; Volha Petukova; Philippe Wacker; Andrew Joscelyne; Costis Kompis; Simon Aliwell; William Stevens; Youssef Sabbah

    ROCKIT: Roadmap for Conversational Interaction Technologies

    In: Proceeding RFMIR '14 Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Roadmapping the Future of Multimodal Interaction Research including Business …

  7. Sergey Sosnovsky; Andrey Girenko

    Math-Bridge Project Business Model and Plan for Exploitation

    Europäische Kommission, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 1, 2012.

  8. Andrey Girenko; Sergey Sosnovsky

    Math-Bridge Project: Progress Report

    Europäische Kommission, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 1, 2011.

  9. Andrey Girenko; Sergey Sosnovsky

    Math-Bridge Project: Annual intermediate public report

    Europäische Kommission, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 1, 2011.


Isabel Rheinheimer
Phone: +49 631 20575 3401

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Research Department Innovative Factory Systems
Trippstadter Str. 122
67663 Kaiserslautern