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Institute for Information Systems


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  1. Jörg Ziemann

    Architecture of Interoperable Information Systems. An Enterprise Model-Based Approach for Describing and Enacting Collaborative Businesss Processes

    Wirtschaftsinformatik - Theorie und Anwendung, Vol. 23, ISBN 978-3-8325-2414-2, Logos Verlag Berlin, Berlin, 2010.

  2. Peter Loos; Jörg Ziemann

    Transforming Cross-Organisational Process between Europeen Adiministrations: Towards a Comprehensive Business Interoperability Interface

    In: V. Weerakkody; M. Janssen; Y. Dwivedi. Handbook of Research on ICT-Enabled Transformational Government: A Global Perspective. Pages 93-116, ISBN …

  3. Thomas Matheis; Jörg Ziemann; Peter Loos; D. Schmidt; M. Wimmer

    Requirements Based Evaluation of eGovernment in the Large

    In: International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), Vol. 5, No. 3, Pages 47-61, IGI Global, 2009.

  4. M. Born; U. Greiner; S. Lippe; R. Ruggaber; T. Kahl; Jörg Ziemann; F.-W. Jäkel

    ATHENA Framework for Cross-Organizational Business Processes

    In: E. di Nitto; A. Sassen; P. Traverso; A. Zwegers. At Your Service: Service-Oriented Computing From an EU Perspective. MIT Press Series on …

  5. Jörg Ziemann; Timo Kahl; Dirk Werth

    Using View Process Modells in Collaborative Business Processes

    In: Goran D. Putnik; Maria Manuela Cunha (Hrsg.). Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organisations. Pages 1735-1743, ISBN 9781599048857, IGI …

  6. Thomas Matheis; Jörg Ziemann; D. Schmidt; M. Wimmer; Peter Loos

    Gathering requirements for eGovernment in the large - Conceptual framework and exemplary application

    H. Krcmar, J. von Lucke, P. Wolf: eGovernment - von Kundenausrichtung, Prozessorientierung bis zu Hochleistungsportalen und IT-Infrastruktur als …

  7. Jörg Ziemann; Thomas Matheis; Dirk Werth

    Conceiving interoperability between public authorities - a methodical framework

    In: Ralph H. Sprague (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-41). Hawaii International …

  8. Dirk Werth; Jörg Ziemann; Philipp Walter; Peter Loos

    Using collaborative business process models for the configuration of distributed workflow environments

    In: M. Goedicke; M. Heisel; S. Hunold; S. Kühne; M. Riebisch; N. Streekmann (Hrsg.). Modellgetriebene Softwarearchitektur - Evolution, Integration und …

  9. Dirk Werth; Jörg Ziemann; Timo Kahl; Peter Loos

    Operations and Tool Support for Public View Transformations of Business Processes

    In: 2008 International Conference on Information Resources Management. International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM-08), May …

  10. Jörg Ziemann; Peter Loos

    Transforming cross-organizational processes between European Administrations - Towards a comprehensive Business Interoperability Interface

    In: V. Weerakkody; M. Janssen; Y. Dwivedi. Handbook of Research on ICT-Enabled Transformational Government: A Global Perspective. 2008.


Simone Winter-Dawo
Tina Amas
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Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Institute for Information Systems (IWi)
Campus D3 2
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbrücken