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Smart Enterprise Engineering


  1. Focus on the future of small and medium-sized businesses: Smart Enterprise 2023 in Osnabrück

    Digital transformation and the role of artificial intelligence for companies in the small and medium-sized businesses (SME) sector will be the focus …

  2. AI in a historical landmark: DFKI Osnabrück takes off in a railway roundhouse

    The DFKI Niedersachsen is the newest DFKI location. A few weeks ago, researchers from the two Osnabrück research departments moved into a railway …

  3. AI tool identifies bias in learning materials - StereOFF wins award in "Together it's AI" ideas competition

    StereOFF is the name of an AI tool that can automatically identify gender stereotypical language in learning materials. The cross-sector idea StereOFF …

  4. DFKI mit deutschlandweiten Angeboten beim Girls‘ Day 2023

    Auch in diesem Jahr beteiligen sich zahlreiche Forschungsbereiche des DFKI mit ganz unterschiedlichen Themen und Konzepten am bundesweiten Girls‘ Day …


Phone: +49 541 969 4810

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
DFKI Niedersachsen
Research Group Smart Enterprise Engineering
Hamburger Straße 24
49084 Osnabrück