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Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Tholen

Organizational unit Marine Perception
Contact +49 441 99833 4721 (Oldenburg)

Address (Oldenburg) Technologie- und Gründerzentrum OldenburgMarie-Curie-Str. 126129 Oldenburg




    Intelligentes Assistenzsystem für die teilautonome Schiffsführung


    marinom GmbH

    Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth


  • iMagine

    Imaging data and services for aquatic science

    Aquatic research often relies on image and video data to gain knowledge about our oceans, lakes and rivers. Current challenges in this research area include analyzing human-caused littering or oil…

  • APLASTIC-Q-Canada

    Machine Learning identification of pollutants and other debris in Canadian Waterways

    The project deals with the further development of AI methods for the detection and analysis of litter in rivers and canals. Stationary camera systems are used, which enable long-term monitoring of the…

  • PlasticObs_plus

    Verbund - KI: PlasticObs_plus - Maschinelles Lernen auf Multisensordaten der flugzeuggestützten Fernerkundung zur Bekämpfung von Plastikmüll in Meeren und Flüssen

    Airborne monitoring for plastic litter detection represents a modern, universal observation method to address the urgent and rapidly increasing problem of plastic litter pollution on a global scale…

  • MATE

    Maritime Traffic Emissions: A monitoring network

    Maritime ship traffic is globally increasing with 90% of the world trade being carried over the ocean. The emissions of the maritime traffic are a severe threat to the marine environment and coastal…
