PARTAS is a practice-oriented and lightweight approach for an innovative worker assistance system, particularly suitable to be used in workshops for people with disabilities. It was developed by an interdisciplinary team with representatives from research and development as well as employees of a workshop in a user-oriented, iterative process.
PARTAS is tailored to people who have difficulties in cognition. This includes the areas of memory, concentration, and comprehension of quantities. These basic skills are often needed in everyday life and are currently supported in workshops for people with disabilities by manual aids. These are to be complemented by intuitive, personalizable guidance using contour-based instructions.
The system is mobile and can be quickly integrated into an existing workplace. A projector displays instructions directly onto the workspace. Individual work steps are recognized by a camera and acknowledged by an AI-based recognition algorithm. This allows instructions to be carried out automatically and enables immediate quality control. The automatic control gives the caregivers more time, for example to attend to the individual needs of the people being cared for.
In the process of an evaluation with workshop workers, a very high acceptance on the part of both, the disabled employees and the supervisors, could be determined. Future areas of application, for example in health care or the manufacturing industry, are conceivable due to the flexibility of the system.