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News Overview

Displaying results 61 to 70 of 1384.
  1. Wegweiser KI: dpa bietet kostenloses Trainings- und Mentorship-Programm für Medienprofis an

    Wegweiser KI: dpa bietet kostenloses Trainings- und Mentorship-Programm für Medienprofis an

    Anwendungen auf Basis von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) stellen einen Wendepunkt im Journalismus und in der Mediennutzung dar. Um Redaktionen in …

  2. LT-Bridge Winter School 2024

    LT-Bridge Winter School 2024

    The LT-Bridge Winter School 2024 took place from 5-8 March 2024 at the DFKI Building on the Saarland Informatics Campus in Saarbrücken, Germany …

  3. Several contributions accepted at NAACL 2024

    Several contributions accepted at NAACL 2024

    Several DFKI/UdS scientific papers have been accepted at the 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for …

  4. DFKI at Hannover Messe 2024: Focus on environmentally friendly industrial AI

    DFKI at Hannover Messe 2024: Focus on environmentally friendly industrial AI

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) will be presenting AI solutions for a sustainable economy at several booths at the ...

  5. Viewing the world through human eyes: DFKI-Technology shows robots how it's done

    Viewing the world through human eyes: DFKI-Technology shows robots how it's done

    How can we teach organic visual orientation to machines? That is exactly what scientists at the German Research Centre of Artificial Intelligence ...

  6. Green-AI Hub Mittelstand: Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke gibt das Startsignal für das Green-AI Hub Mobil

    Green-AI Hub Mittelstand: Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke gibt das Startsignal für das Green-AI Hub Mobil

    Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke hat am 13. März auf dem Zukunftstag Mittelstand in Berlin das Green-AI Hub Mobil vorgestellt. Das Team des ...

  7. Buying sustainable clothing: How consumers can be better informed when shopping online

    Buying sustainable clothing: How consumers can be better informed when shopping online

    Dress well with a clear conscience: When shopping online, customers are increasingly paying attention to whether products are fairly traded and ...

  8. DFKI celebrates International Women’s Day 2024

    DFKI celebrates International Women’s Day 2024

    On International Women's Day, DFKI is launching the series #WEatDFKI to introduce some of its outstanding researchers. Five women give insights …

  9. Millions in Funding for YouCodeGirls from the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs – State Secretary Luksic: "We aim to make Germany an AI leader"

    Millions in Funding for YouCodeGirls from the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs – State Secretary Luksic: "We aim to make Germany an AI leader"

    The online platform offers various learning opportunities primarily targeting girls and young women to increase their interest in ...

  10. Zukunftskongress: KI & Leadership

    Zukunftskongress: KI & Leadership

    Die Digitalisierung und der Einsatz von KI-Technologien bringen große Veränderungen in der Führungskultur und im Führungsverständnis mit sich. Der ...