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  1. FedWell - Life-Long Federated User and Mental Modeling for Health and Well-being

    Adaptive and personalized AI systems in healthcare and well-being rely on information about users and usage situations to provide the best possible …

  2. MarKIeR - Feasibility Study on the Use of AI Tools to Support the State Media Authorities in Verifying the Implementation of the Transparency Requirements of the Medienstaatsvertrag by Media Intermediaries.

    New regulations in the Medienstaatsvertrag (MStV) present the state media authorities with new, diverse tasks in the area of media intermediaries: …

  3. CAMELOT - Continuous Adaptive Machine-Learning of Transfer of Control Situations

    A remaining major challenge with autonomous systems is the handling of situations that the system cannot handle on its own. Up to now, this transfer …

  4. TRACTAT - Transfer of Control (ToC) zwischen Autonomen Systemen und Menschen

    The TRACTAT project aims to lay the foundation for a smooth and effective Transfer of Control (ToC) between autonomous systems and humans in …

  5. MADMACS - Multiadaptive Dialogue Managementfor Cyber-physical Environments

    Currently, networked cyberphysical systems are the basis for intelligent environments in a variety of settings such as smart factories, smart

    transport …

  6. SC_EFFEKT - Elektrische Fahrrad-Flotten Ergänzt durch Technologie

    EFFEKT works on solutions for intelligent e-bike fleets. It is a Software Campus project and collaboration between DFKI and Bosch Software Innovations …

  7. SiAM - Situations-Adaptive Multimodale Interaktion für Innovative Mobilitätskonzepte der Zukunft

    Mobility is a critical pillar of our modern economy system. We envision that the car of the future will not only be considered from the perspective of …

  8. GetHomeSafe - Extended Multimodal Search and Communication Systems for Safe In_Car Application

    GetHomeSafe is a European Commission Collaborative Project (STREP) aiming to develop a system for safe information access (search, navigation, points …

  9. Carmina - CAR-oriented Multimodal INterface Architecture

    The goal of automotive IUI research at DFKI with its flagship project CARMINA is to lay the foundations of a new generation of context-aware …

  10. SIM-TD - Sichere intelligente Mobilität

    Save Intelligent Mobility - Test Field Germany

    By investigating and testing Car-to-X communication and its applications, the research project SIM-TD …