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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 164.
  1. Data4Transparency – Data Science and NLP for transparency

    Data4Transparency – Data Science and NLP for transparency

    According to the World Bank and the UN, some US$1tn is paid in bribes every year. Corrupt financial transactions divert funds from legitimate public …

  2. ELE2 – European Language Equality 2
  3. Text2Tech – Deep Learning-based Text Mining for Technology Monitoring in the Automotive Domain

    Text2Tech – Deep Learning-based Text Mining for Technology Monitoring in the Automotive Domain

    The observation and analysis of strategic developments in the area surrounding the technology base of a company's products and services is a decisive …

  4. ToHyVe – Toolbox für Hybride Veranstaltungsformate

    ToHyVe – Toolbox für Hybride Veranstaltungsformate

    The changes in business communications triggered by the COVID 19 crisis will be lasting. Companies have learned that a large proportion of meetings …

  5. PYSA – Care documentation with a hybrid speech assistant

    PYSA – Care documentation with a hybrid speech assistant

    Comprehensive and accurate documentation is essential for needs-based care. In many places, the systems and processes used today for care …

  6. OpenGPT-X – Aufbau eines Gaia-X Knotens für große Kl- Sprachmodelle und innovative Sprachapplikations-Services; Teilvorhaben: Entwicklung von Sprachmodellen, Interoperabilitäts- und Nutzungskonzepten
  7. NFDI4DataScience – NFDI4DataScience and AI
  8. Aviator2_SLT – Augmented Visual Intelligence and Targeted Online Research 2

    Aviator2_SLT – Augmented Visual Intelligence and Targeted Online Research 2

    Augmented visual intelligence and Targeted online research (AviaTor) Phase 2 builds upon the first AviaTor project. AviaTor provides law enforcement …

  9. Emonymous – Emonymous

    Emonymous – Emonymous

    Interactive intelligent speech technologies are conquering our homes. In the Emonymous project, we are pursuing the goal of completely anonymizing a …

  10. KEEPHA – Knowledge-Enhanced information Extraction across languages for PHArmacovigilance

    KEEPHA – Knowledge-Enhanced information Extraction across languages for PHArmacovigilance

    KEEPHA is a trilateral DFG Project, together with partners from France (LIMSI/LISN) and Japan (NAIST, NII, RIKEN). The present project aims to design …