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Medical and Health Systems

Daniel Sonntag
In: Sharon Oviatt; Björn W Schuller; Philip R Cohen; Daniel Sonntag; Gerasimos Potamianos; Antonio Krüger. The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces: Language Processing, Software, Commercialization, and Emerging Directions - Volume 3. Pages 423-476, ISBN 9781970001754, Association for Computing Machinery and Morgan & Claypool, 2019.


In this chapter, we discuss the trends of mutlimodal-multisensor interfaces for medical and health systems. We emphasize the theoretical foundations of multimodal interfaces and systems in the healthcare domain. We aim to provide a basis for motivating and accelerating future interfaces for medical and health systems. Therefore, we provide many examples of existing and futuristic systems. For each of these systems, we define a classification into clinical systems and non-clinical systems, as well as sub-classes of multimodal and multisensor interfaces, to help structure the recent work in this emerging research field of medical and health systems.


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