Clamping, COKAM, KADS, and OMOS: The Construction and Operationalization of a KADS Conceptual Model
Otto Kühn; Marc Linster; Gabriele Schmidt
DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 91-03, 1991.
For a simplified version of the clamping tool selection problem in mechanical engineering, the knowledge acquisition tool COKAM is applied to obtain an informal knowledge base and explanation structures from technical documents and previously solved cases. The output of COKAM is used to construct a three layered KADS conceptual model, which is then transformed into an operational model in the language OMOS. The OMOS formalization allows to verify the informal KADS conceptual model and to check the completeness of the domain knowledge. The results of this analysis are utilized in the next knowledge elicitation session with COKAM.