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Displaying results 61 to 70 of 541.
  1. Kris Luyten; Donald Degraen; Gustavo Rovelo Ruiz; Sven Coppers; Davy Vanacken

    Hidden in Plain Sight: an Exploration of a Visual Language for Near-Eye Out-of-Focus Displays in the Peripheral View

    In: 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016). ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), …

  2. Kashyap Todi; Donald Degraen; Brent Berghmans; Axel Faes; Matthijs Kaminski; Kris Luyten

    Purpose-Centric Appropriation of Everyday Objects as Game Controllers

    In: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. International Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems …

  3. Nina Runge; Pavel Samsonov; Donald Degraen; Johannes Schöning

    No more Autobahn! Scenic Route Generation Using Googles Street View

    In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), ACM, 2016.

  4. Vincent Vandeghinste; Tom Vanallemeersch; Liesbeth Augustinus; Joris Pelemans; Geert Heymans; Iulianna Van der Lek-Ciudin; Arda Tezcan; Donald Degraen; Jan Van den Bergh; Lieve Macken; Els Lefever; Marie-Francine Moens; Patrick Wambacq; Frieda Steurs; Karin Coninx; Frank Van Eynde

    SCATE - Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment

    In: Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 2. Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT), Baltic Journal of Modern …

  5. Santanu Pal; Sudip Kumar Naskar; Josef van Genabith

    Forest to string based statistical machine translation with hybrid word alignments

    In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing Lecture Notes in Computer Science. International Conference on Intelligent Text …

  6. Change Impact Analysis for Hardware Designs

    In: Forum on Specification & Design Languages FDL 2016. Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL-2016), September 14-16, Bremen, Germany, ECSI - …

  7. Gernot Bahle; Andreas Poxrucker; George Kampis; Paul Lukowicz

    Incremental classifier fusion for smart societies

    In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia. International Conference Electronic …

  8. Andreas Poxrucker; Gernot Bahle; Paul Lukowicz

    Simulating adaptive, personalized, multi-modal mobility in smart cities

    In: Smart City 360°. International Summit Smart City 360°, November 22-24, Bratislava, Slovakia, Pages 113-124, Springer International Publishing, …

  9. Orkhan Amiraslanov; Paul Lukowicz; Jingyuan Cheng

    Large scale, flexible electroluminescent display

    In: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct. International Joint Conference on …

  10. Venkataraman Srinivasan; Orkhan Amiraslanov; Paul Lukowicz; Jingyuan Cheng

    Ubiquitous wireless charging

    In: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct. International Joint Conference on …