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Displaying results 51 to 60 of 504.
  1. G. Spina; F. Roberts; Jens Weppner; Paul Lukowicz; O. Amft

    CRNTC+: A smartphone-based sensor processing framework for prototyping personal healthcare applications

    In: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Pervasive …

  2. Ralf Biedert

    Gaze Based Human-Text Interaction Text 2.0

    PhD-Thesis, DFKI, 2013.

  3. Heiko Maus; Olivier Dobberkau; Maria Wolters; Claudia Niederée

    ForgetIT Deliverable D9.1: Application Use Cases & Requirements Document

    Deliverable, ForgetIT consortium, ForgetIT Deliverables, Vol. D9.1, 7/2013.

  4. Christopher Tim Althoff; Damian Borth; Jörn Hees; Andreas Dengel

    Analysis and Forecasting of Trending Topics in Online Media Streams

    In: ACM MM 2013. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM-13), October 21-25, Barcelona, Spain, ACM, 10/2013.

  5. MMIR Framework: Multimodal Mobile Interaction and Rendering

    In: Matthias Horbach (Hrsg.). INFORMATIK 2013: Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt. Workshop Modellbasierte Entwicklung von …

  6. Aaron Ruß; Michael Kaisser

    Exploratory Search on Social Media

    In: Pavel Serdyukov; Pavel Braslavski; Sergei O. Kuznetsov; Jaap Kamps; Stefan Rüger; Eugene Agichtein; Ilya Segalovich; Emine Yilmaz (Hrsg.). …

  7. iGreen -- Vom Segen und Fluch eines interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekts

    In: LU aktuell, Vol. 2013, No. 6, Page 34, Bundesverband Lohnunternehmen e.V. 6/2013.

  8. Nabila Abdessaied; Robert Wille; Mathias Soeken; Rolf Drechsler

    Reducing the depth of quantum circuits using additional circuit lines

    In: International Conference on Reversible Computation - Proceedings. International Conference on Reversible Computation (RC), Pages 221-233, …